Posted by : Rajat Saturday, September 26, 2009

Today I turn my blog into a photo blog. I feel its a nice place to share my thoughts and clicks and I've not been using it much anyways.

Here is one to start with, this is from my recent hiking trip to skyline drive, just off the border of NJ and NY. I've always been fond of capturing the sky, although the shot was taken in full color, the black and white effect is really making the sky stand out, specially the sun light from the left on clouds and water. The land on the horizon, turn into black is adding contrast.

Me and my buddy with a bottle of corona each in our hands just sat quietly, looking at the scene listening to the moving water and sharing the same thought.. 'damn, this place is awesome'.

However, I have a confession to make. I recently bought a new DSLR (nikon D5000), few of my friends will bash me for this, but I've been really lazy and not studying enough to use this beast. This camera can do wonders to the scene if used correctly. And instead of doing justice to the power of this cam, i just set it to 'AUTO' and started clicking. Even on auto it does the job probably i am not capable of achieving right now, but over time I plan to surpass it (somehow :D).

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